We're committed to making a positive impact on the lives of people diagnosed with sickle cell disease around the world.
Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder that causes the red blood cells to become sickle-shaped and rendering them incapable of carrying oxygen throughout the body. It causes debilitation of vital organ; is life threatening and incurable.
Over 2.5 million Americans, mostly African Americans, carry the sickle cell trait (SCT). These are healthy carriers of the sickle cell gene (S). They are said to be (AS) because they have inherited the normal beta globin gene (A) from one parent and the sickle cell gene (S) from the other parent.
Sickle Cell Trait— a condition of a person in which he/she has one copy of the gene for sickle cell, but does not have the sickle cell disease (which requires two copies of the sickle cell gene.